Alsarex Tablet

A single comprehensive cure for acid reflux disorders.

A single comprehensive cure for acidity and digestive ailments.


  • Quick aid of Ulcer Pain.
  • Reduces hypersecretion of acid and preempt surplus acid.
  • Accelerates ulcer healing procedure.
  • Safe for long term usage.

For a co-prescription using NSAIDS to stop mucosal erosion from the stomach and duodenum.
Each coated tablet includes powders and bhasmas of:-
Mukta shukthi bhasma – 10 mg .
Shankha basma – 10 mg .
Yashada bhasma – 10 mg.

Two tablets two to three times every day using a dull diet for three to fourteen days. .

Acidity and Digestive Disorders

According to Ayurveda, a holistic health science, acidity if left unattended can cause many gastrointestinal ailments such as nausea, nausea, nausea, and constipation.

In Ayurveda, all diseased states such as acidity appear as a consequence of both ama (toxins) and most of the ama is the end result of an improperly working Agni (digestive fire). In reality, the secret to a wholesome Agni is that the ingestion of easily digested, refreshing, gently cooked, harmonious foods consumed at the right moment.

The cosmetic remedy of herbal preparations such as Indukantam qwath pill, aptizoom syrup, indukantam ghrit, hinguvachadi tab, dadimashtaka churna, chitrakadi pill, kalyana gulam, dasmoola haritaki leha, combined with altered life-style helps to fight acid and digestive ailments by

A) Allowing additional pitta to move down and pass through bowels which is natural means to equilibrium vitiated pitta: It stimulates gastrointestinal fire, softens the stools and cleanses waste goods and leaves digestive tract free of acid disorders.

B ) Helping the stomach acid to trigger digestive enzymes which break food down into small cubes for absorption and brings it back to a regular level to maintain the digestive tract absolutely free of germs and parasites.

C) Reaching the proper balances in your body metabolism: very hot or very cold food kinds of stuff and drinks aren’t taken since these extremes trigger build-ups of acidity in the digestive tract.

D) Taking inner Ayurvedic standardized Medicinal herbal infusion that is free of adversities.

E) aids in alleviating heartburn by beating abdominal and epigastric distress by neutralizing acid secretion. It’s a powerful cure for seizures too.

F) By taking a blend of eight well tested components, which have powerful antiacid properties, also it reduces hyperexcitability of vagus nerve and relieves tension and anxiety, since it’s thought that there are nerve endings in the gut than in the human mind – making the gut a uniquely vulnerable manhood in regards to non-physical stress affecting the physical body.

Acidity- LifeStyle

Our hectic lifestyle requires a toll on the health and we frequently feel a burning feeling in your gut and torso i.e, acidity. Ayurveda considers that features of Pitta contain acidity so by subsequent qualities which are contrary to Pitta in lifestyle and diet help restore equilibrium to Pitta Dosha. And it says Agni (digestive fire) is the major protector of the human body and ama (poisonous ) is the actual reason for the disorder. The below will be the lifestyle recommendations to resist acidity.

General :
* Stay trendy –both emotionally and physically. Avoid going out in the heat of the day, particularly on an empty stomach or as soon as you’ve eaten tangy or hot foods.
** Delaying foods can cause extra acidity, so eat punctually daily. Don’t skip meals, don’t quickly and don’t wait to eat till you’re ravenously hungry.
** It’s crucial to get to bed early, so you are able to get sufficient rest every evening. A cup of hot milk, with a few cardamoms, may be useful prior to bedtime.
** Daily removal is quite important to stop ama from collecting in the human body.
** Indulge in an ayurvedic massage each morning before you shower or wash.
** Shield yourself from heat. Stay cool in hot weather by wearing loose cotton clothes.
** Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to shield your eyes when you venture out. Drink a lot of space.
** Balance work and play with. Put aside a time for Recreation regular.

Diet :
** Start your day with cooked fruit, then followed with a few bowls of cereal. Eat a sustaining meal, plus a lighter meal . Keep away from food which has acidity and also takes foods full of alkaline content.

Exercise :
** Water-based activities are the perfect exercise for Pitta-dominant men and women Avoid exercising when it’s too hot.

Spiritual and Physical Life:
** Put aside about 30 minutes daily for meditation, to help balance the emotions and heart and also to boost body-mind-spirit coordination consequently treats acidity during its root.

Ayurvedic herbal preparations such as Indukantam qwath pill computer, aptizoom syrup, indukantam ghrit, hinguvachadi tab, dadimashtaka churna, chitrakadi pill computer, kalyana gulam, dasmoola haritaki leha will be obtained together with the aforementioned life design suggestions.


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